Latest Liver disease News

EPA bans consumer use of a toxic chemical widely used as a paint stripper but known to cause cancer

Apr. 30, 2024 14:28 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Environmental Protection Agency said Tuesday it has finalized a ban on consumer uses of  methylene chloride, a chemical that is widely used as a paint stripper but is known to cause liver cancer and other health problems. The EPA said its action will protect...

EPA bans consumer use of methylene chloride, a toxic chemical used as a paint stripper but known to cause liver cancer

Apr. 30, 2024 09:07 AM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) — EPA bans consumer use of methylene chloride, a toxic chemical used as a paint stripper but known to cause liver cancer.

Less alcohol, or none at all, is one path to better health

Apr. 29, 2024 17:26 PM EDT

It’s wine time. Beer Thirty. Happy hour. Five o’clock somewhere. Maybe it's also time to rethink drinking? Moderate drinking was once thought to have benefits for the heart, but better research methods have thrown cold water on that. “Drinking...

Wisconsin Republicans ignore governor's call to spend $125M to combat 'forever chemicals'

Apr. 16, 2024 12:04 PM EDT

MADISON, Wis . (AP) — Wisconsin Republicans on Tuesday ignored the latest call from Democratic Gov. Tony Evers to spend $125 million to combat so-called forever chemicals, leading Evers to say he might sue over the issue. The moves are the latest twist in the ongoing stalemate...

Biden administration sets first-ever limits on 'forever chemicals' in drinking water

Apr. 10, 2024 17:29 PM EDT

The Biden administration on Wednesday finalized strict limits on certain so-called “forever chemicals” in drinking water that will require utilities to reduce them to the lowest level they can be reliably measured. Officials say this will reduce exposure for 100 million people and help prevent...

Hepatitis C cases dropped in the US. Health officials aren't sure if it's a blip or a trend

Apr. 03, 2024 13:25 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — New U.S. hepatitis C infections dropped slightly in 2022, a surprising improvement after more than a decade of steady increases, federal health officials said Wednesday. Experts are not sure whether the 6% decline is a statistical blip or the start of a downward...