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Tuesday Edition | April 30, 2024

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Have you ever had bubble tea?

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Editor: The recent article written by three state legislators extolling Marcellus Shale "progress" and decrying all regulation of the rape of our environment going into its second decade is a perfect example of how corporate propaganda ignores the real issue ("The world is a better place wit… 💬

Editor: President Trump still has a leading edge over the Biden/Harris trainwreck. Thanks to a higher court we are finding out that the use of criminal law to hobble a political candidate is not acceptable by our Constitution. The prosecutor is using 34 bogus felony charges in the New York C… 💬

Editor: It is unbelievable how little this newspaper has  shown its readers about the anti-Israeli protests all throughout the liberal universities and colleges, especially the elite Ivy League schools, in our America. Biggest story in America. This, by far, is front page news. I ask you ''W… 💬