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Thursday Edition | June 13, 2024

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Editor: Long-time resident of Dalton, educated in the Scranton schools and graduate of the University of Scranton. More recently the political environment has become more extreme for both parties. The division of political views in Northeastern Pennsylvania is alive and well. My concern is t… 💬

Editor: Too many people are uninformed about politics and what the Republican Party is saying and will do if elected to the White House and Congress. They need to find out what the Republican Party’s 2025 plan is all about. It's a move to fascism. Making Donald Trump king. Packing the govern… 💬

Editor: The recent announcement by the Biden administration to limit border crossings for “asylum seekers,” a few months prior to November’s election is a perverted twist on the truth. After three years of unfettered illegal immigration, fomented and perpetuated by loyal appointed lackies, w… 💬

Editor: I am a alien member to the GOP, pushed away by the likes of their present leader, former president Donald Trump. For eight years he has referred to the conservative or middle-of-the-road American as a RINO, Republican In Name Only. For this reason I continue to keep my affiliation wi… 💬