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Wednesday Edition | April 24, 2024

Jamie Walsh, who advocated for parents rights during the pandemic, holds a narrow lead over first-term incumbent Mike Cabell for the state House seat in the 117th District in the Republican primary on Tuesday, according to unofficial returns. Read moreWalsh leads incumbent Cabell by 8 votes 💬

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Editor: Donald Trump is our first former president undergoing a criminal trial, accused of election fraud and orchestrating a criminal conspiracy to corrupt the 2016 presidential election. Moving ever closer towards autocracy, the U.S. received its first “backsliding democracy” designation f… 💬

Editor: A recent letter extols the election systems of Russia and other nations which generally don’t allow mail-in ballots (“Many countries disallow mail-in voting,” April 20). But some of these countries permit proxy ballots, along with other accommodations. Seems likely that the Citizens … 💬

Editor: While President Biden is concentrating on making all Americans' lives better, Donald Trump wants America to go backward. President Biden’s campaign said voters need to be informed about proposals that would “undermine democracy,” rip away rights and freedoms and make American lives a… 💬

Editor: Many Republicans still support Trump even though they admit he is dishonest, self-serving instead of putting America first, a white supremacist and he feels women are inferior to men. They say they still support him because they approve of his policies and what he accomplished as pre… 💬