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Monday Edition | June 3, 2024

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Editor: Donald Trump's lawyer sent a cease and desist letter to the news outlet ProPublica trying to kill a story by them saying nine witnesses in the criminal cases against him "have received significant financial benefits, including large raises from his campaign, severance packages, new j… 💬

Editor: The announcement of a verdict has set off many different examples of denial. Of course, the prevalent one is Donald Trump's, from whom an alarmingly large number may still take a cue (at the present moment). It is most evident among those who want to be his vice presidential running mate. 💬

Editor: The UGI weather normalization fee is gamed to what we know is occurring. We are coming out of an Ice Age and the weather is warming as it should. There is no mystery here. It is very unfair to rig the system to gain revenue, charging customers for gas they don't use. 💬