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Sunday Edition | June 9, 2024

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Editor: Your paper and the rest of the media are so biased towards trump it makes me want to throw up. Your front page headline reads: "Trump falsely blasts 'rigged trial'" (June 1). It's funny how the rest of the country that has a brain can see this for what it is. It is putting Trump over the top, where he belongs, but you people are so intent on trying to stop him, it's disgusting. He is raising money hand over fist because the sane people in this country know the Democrats are the closest thing to communism you can get. Trump will prevail regardless of the stupidity of this paper and the media bias. 💬

Editor: I’ve been thinking about George Drum lately and not only because June 12 is his 262nd birthday. I wonder what he would think of today’s headlines. He went to war to help this country gain its freedom. He served his friends and neighbors so well that they took his name for their commu… 💬