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Wednesday Edition | April 10, 2024


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Editor: We are living at a time in our history when we have witnessed public figures who have no interest in being for the people. Former president Donald Trump, burdened with dozens of crimes, has had no interest in or capacity for the public good that is expected of the president of the Un… 💬

Editor: A recent letter accuses asylum-seekers crossing the southern border of bringing drugs, most seriously deadly fentanyl, into this country, and claims “Casey and Dems are MIA on border issues,” (March 31). The letter is correct that large quantities of illegal drugs are entering across… 💬

Editor: Why is no one in state government talking about legalizing marijuana? Did they forget about it? Lots of politicians ran on legalizing marijuana and once they got in office they never mention it. Also it's a big tax boon for the state. And don't forget pardoning everyone in jail just … 💬

Editor: April is Primary Immunodeficiency Awareness month. I have this rare disease and require weekly plasma treatments in order to avoid even ordinary infections that can quickly become life threatening. I have a difference in my immune system that I was born with and it took the majority … 💬