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Tuesday Edition | June 4, 2024

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Editor: President Joe Biden just made these comments about his son Hunter's current trial on gun charges, and I paraphrase: The trial is a witch hunt, a sham, the judge is corrupt, we're living in a banana republic, where they could go after a president's son for purely political reasons, on… 💬

Editor: It’s time for yet another reckoning in American politics. It’s often said the Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves if they saw what goes on in American politics today. I say, nonsense. I think they’d be cheering us on. Sure, they’d have an objection here and there, but t… 💬

Editor: It was with great interest that I read the front page article on homelessness in our region (June 2). I could not put the paper down until I had completely read the entire article. Thank You to staff writers Jim Lockwood and Geri Gibbons for laying the situation out so plainly. 💬