Latest Mario Draghi News

Mario Draghi has solutions for Europe's sluggish economy. Will EU governments listen?

Sep. 09, 2024 10:01 AM EDT

BRUSSELS (AP) — A long-awaited report on how to rescue Europe's economy from weak growth and red tape is in. The question is, how many of its recommendations will actually be enacted by the drawn-out decision-making process of the European Union? The report stands out from other...

The EU buys too much defense equipment abroad, especially from the US, a major report says

Sep. 09, 2024 09:30 AM EDT

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union countries are buying too much of their defense equipment abroad, almost two thirds of it in the United States, and failing to invest enough in joint military projects, a landmark report on EU competitiveness warned on Monday. The 27 member states are...