Latest Thailand government News

The leader of Myanmar's army government is named acting president so he can renew state of emergency

Jul. 22, 2024 13:54 PM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, the head of Myanmar’s military-government, on Monday also took the position of acting president to replace the holder of that post who was unable to perform his duties due to health problems, state media reported. The announcement of...

Strife-torn Myanmar marks 77th anniversary of the assassination of independence hero Gen. Aung San

Jul. 19, 2024 08:54 AM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — Myanmar’s military government held a wreath-laying ceremony in the country’s largest city Friday to mark the anniversary of the assassination of the country’s fallen independence heroes, including Gen. Aung San, the father of the country’s ousted leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. ...

Traces of cyanide are found in the blood of Vietnamese and Americans found dead in a Bangkok hotel

Jul. 17, 2024 14:13 PM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — Initial autopsy results showed traces of cyanide in the blood of six Vietnamese and American guests at a luxury hotel in central Bangkok and one of them is believed to have poisoned the others over a bad investment, Thai authorities said Wednesday. The bodies were...

Thailand is set to roll out a controversial $13.8 billion handout plan in digital money to citizens

Jul. 15, 2024 20:42 PM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand's prime minister said Monday that eligible businesses and individuals can register from August for digital cash handouts, a controversial program that will cost billions of dollars and is meant to boost the lagging economy. The government announced in April...

New players emerge in fighting in Myanmar's northeast, as powerful ethnic militias intervene

Jul. 15, 2024 00:13 AM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — Recently renewed combat in northeastern Myanmar between troops of the military government and ethnic minority militias has in the past few days become more complicated, as two minority groups not previously involved in the fighting stepped into the fray, claiming to act as a third...

Views toward China diverge between rich and middle-income nations, Pew report shows

Jul. 09, 2024 18:32 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Global views toward China appear to be divided between high-income and middle-income countries, and the gap apparently is the widest among China's neighbors in the Indo-Pacific region, according to a newly released poll from the Pew Research Center that surveyed people in 35...

Cannabis advocates in Thailand protest a proposal to ban again its general use

Jul. 08, 2024 22:41 PM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — Two years after marijuana was decriminalized in Thailand, nearly a hundred of its advocates marched to the prime minister’s office Monday to protest a possible ban on general use. A health ministry drug control committee approved Friday a proposal to relist...

Myanmar's ethnic rebels say they captured an airport in a new setback for the military government

Jul. 08, 2024 10:49 AM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — One of Myanmar’s most powerful ethnic minority groups battling the military government said it captured an airport serving the country’s top world-class beach resort, marking the first time resistance forces have seized such a facility. Residents of the area in...

Fierce fighting breaks out as militias launch new attacks against regime in Myanmar's civil war

Jul. 05, 2024 06:00 AM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — New fighting has broken out in northeastern Myanmar, bringing an end to a Chinese-brokered cease-fire and putting pressure on the military regime as it faces attacks from resistance forces on multiple fronts in the country's civil war. The Ta'ang National Liberation...

Funeral for monk shot by soldiers highlights Myanmar army's delicate relationship to Buddhist clergy

Jun. 27, 2024 22:25 PM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — Hundreds of people attended the funeral on Thursday of a senior monk who was fatally shot by soldiers in an incident that could undermine the cozy relationship that Myanmar’s military government has tried to maintain with the country’s Buddhist clergy. The body...