Latest U.S. Republican Party News

7 in 10 Americans think Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality: AP-NORC poll

Jun. 27, 2024 00:03 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more likely to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as neutral arbiters of government authority, a new poll finds, as the high court is poised to rule on major cases involving former President Donald...

Boebert will likely fill the House seat vacated by congressman who criticized the GOP's extremes

Jun. 26, 2024 19:48 PM EDT

DENVER (AP) — Former Republican U.S. Rep. Ken Buck resigned from Congress frustrated by a flank of the GOP’s unwavering devotion to former President Donald Trump. Now he will likely be replaced by one of their most boisterous leaders, Rep. Lauren Boebert. Boebert, who has built a...

Most Americans plan to watch the Biden-Trump debate, and many see high stakes, an AP-NORC poll finds

Jun. 26, 2024 18:43 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Most U.S. adults plan to watch some element of Thursday's presidential debate and many think the event will be important for the campaigns of both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public...

Former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorses Biden, whose campaign wants to flip anti-Trump Republicans

Jun. 26, 2024 15:19 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorsed President Joe Biden on Wednesday, giving the Democrat a prominent new ally in his high-stakes campaign to win over moderate Republicans and independents this fall. Kinzinger, a military pilot who emerged as a fierce...

California floats an idea to fight shoplifting that may even affect who controls Congress

Jun. 26, 2024 14:36 PM EDT

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A California initiative to once again make shoplifting a felony for repeat offenders is developing into a contest over whether the state's Democrats are tough enough on crime to hang on to their seats in Congress. A broad coalition of law enforcement and...

Rep. Lauren Boebert wins GOP primary after switching Colorado districts; Hurd, Crank also notch wins

Jun. 26, 2024 06:23 AM EDT

DENVER (AP) — U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert won Tuesday's Republican primary in a U.S. House race that she jumped into last year, surviving a scandal over a video of her at a Denver theater and accusations of carpetbagging after fleeing what could have been a tough reelection bid in her current...

US Rep. John Curtis wins Utah GOP primary for Romney’s open seat, while Gov. Spencer Cox also wins

Jun. 26, 2024 02:03 AM EDT

PROVO, Utah (AP) — A pair of moderate Utah Republicans won primary elections Tuesday for U.S. Senate and governor over far-right candidates who are loyalists to former President Donald Trump, the latest example of how Utah is a rare Republican state that doesn’t fully embrace Trump’s...

Sheri Biggs wins Republican nod for US House in South Carolina over Trump-backed candidate

Jun. 25, 2024 22:52 PM EDT

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Sheri Biggs, a nurse practitioner and Air National Guard officer, won the Republican nomination for the U.S. House in South Carolina’s 3rd District on Tuesday, defeating a challenger who called himself former President Donald Trump's pastor. In November,...

Consultant and radio host Jeff Crank beats Colorado GOP chair and hard-line conservative Dave Williams in House primary

Jun. 25, 2024 22:16 PM EDT
DENVER (AP) — Consultant and radio host Jeff Crank beats Colorado GOP chair and hard-line conservative Dave Williams in House primary.

Bill to ensure access to contraception advances in Pennsylvania, aided by dozens of GOP House votes

Jun. 25, 2024 16:50 PM EDT

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A proposal to ensure access to contraceptives cleared the Democratic majority Pennsylvania House on Tuesday, drawing dozens of Republican votes but facing an uncertain future in the GOP-controlled state Senate. The bill was approved 133-69, with 14 women...