Latest Assisted living News

San Francisco park where a grandmother was fatally beaten will now have her name

Jun. 14, 2024 23:24 PM EDT

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The San Francisco park where a grandmother was beaten and then later died from her injuries will now bear her name. Family and friends will gather Saturday for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially usher in the newly named Yik Oi Huang Peace and Friendship...

Editorial Roundup: Indiana

Jun. 11, 2024 07:12 AM EDT

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. June 4, 2024. Editorial: Why isn’t there a legislative interim environmental study committee? It’s been a little more than a month since state Sen. Shelli Yoder, D-Bloomington, expressed deep frustration that the Indiana Legislative...

Washington judge denies GOP attempt to keep financial impact of initiatives off November ballots

Jun. 07, 2024 19:39 PM EDT

Information about how much money three GOP-backed initiatives would cost the state of Washington must appear on the November ballot where voters can see it, a judge on Friday ruled. The measures to repeal the state’s landmark Climate Commitment Act and the tax on the sale of stocks...

GOP backers of 3 initiatives sue to keep their fiscal impact off the November ballot

Jun. 06, 2024 14:23 PM EDT

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — The Republican backers of three initiatives that could change important state policies are suing to keep each measure's fiscal impact from appearing on the November ballot. But lawyers for the state say the budget implications must be disclosed to voters. ...

Editorial Roundup: Nebraska

May. 27, 2024 07:17 AM EDT

Lincoln Journal Star. May 23, 2024. Editorial: DOJ findings are a people issue, not a political one Nebraska is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by unnecessarily segregating people with serious mental illnesses in assisted living facilities and day...

Adult day services provide stimulation for older Americans, and respite for full-time caregivers

May. 24, 2024 22:14 PM EDT

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (AP) — Sally White helps her husband of 46 years get dressed, fed and on the bus for the short ride from their home to Third Age Adult Day Center four mornings a week. Preparing 74-year-old Rodger White to leave the house for the day can be a chore since he’s...

Older Americans often don't prepare for long-term care, from costs to location to emotional toll

May. 24, 2024 22:10 PM EDT

MANKATO, Minn. (AP) — Seven tough weeks passed with her husband in the hospital before Nancy Gag Braun found long-term care for him. From 2019 up until that point in 2022, Braun had cared for Steven at their Mankato home. A traumatic brain injury in February 2019, followed by his...

Despite surging demand for long-term care, providers struggle to find workers

May. 24, 2024 17:19 PM EDT

The hardest part of Culix Wibonele’s first job in long-term care was not getting injured. Originally from Kenya, Wibonele worked as a certified nursing assistant in Atlanta in 2014. She went to the homes of mostly older clients, helping them with everything from bathing to cooking....

Dying ex-doctor leaves Virginia prison 2 years after pardon for killing his dad

May. 23, 2024 16:53 PM EDT

MARION, Va. (AP) — A former North Carolina doctor who was pardoned for killing his father left a Virginia prison for a hospital on Thursday, more than a decade after a doctor began advocating for his release because of a rare brain condition. Vince Gilmer is in the terminal stages...

Black Americans are underrepresented in residential care communities, AP/CNHI News analysis finds

May. 23, 2024 08:47 AM EDT

Norma Upshaw, 82, was living alone south of Nashville, when her doctor said she needed to start in-home dialysis. Her closest family lived 40 miles away, and they’d already scrambled once when the independent senior living facility she had called home — a community of largely...