Latest Voting News

The anti-abortion movement is making a big play to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights

Jun. 16, 2024 14:30 PM EDT

CHICAGO (AP) — Reeling from a string of defeats, anti-abortion groups and their Republican allies in state governments are using an array of strategies to counter proposed ballot initiatives intended to protect reproductive rights or prevent voters from having a say in the fall elections. ...

Candidates race to register for French election but one convicted of spousal assault withdraws

Jun. 16, 2024 11:36 AM EDT

PARIS (AP) — Candidates were racing to register for an early parliamentary election before a Sunday evening deadline for a vote that's redrawing France's political landscape. But a left-wing alliance newly formed to counter the surge of the far right lost a prospective lawmaker...

New Caledonia reopening its international airport and shortening curfew as unrest continues to ebb

Jun. 16, 2024 05:16 AM EDT

PARIS (AP) — The French Pacific territory of New Caledonia is shortening its overnight curfew and reopening its international airport that was closed to commercial flights for more than a month because of deadly violence that wracked the archipelago where pro-independence Indigenous Kanaks want...

Which states could have abortion on the ballot in 2024?

Jun. 16, 2024 00:08 AM EDT

Deadlines are coming up between now and July 5 in five states where advocates are trying to gather enough voters' signatures to put abortion-related questions on ballots in November's elections. Measures that would enshrine the right to abortion in state constitutions are already on...

Toyota shareholders demand vote against chairman Toyoda as automaker embroiled in testing scandal

Jun. 15, 2024 23:08 PM EDT

TOKYO (AP) — Toyota’s chairman Akio Toyoda will be facing some disgruntled shareholders this week, as two major proxy groups demand a vote against keeping the grandson of the founder on its board. The vote expected at the June 18 annual shareholders meeting comes after Toyota...

South Africa's President Ramaphosa is reelected for second term after a dramatic late coalition deal

Jun. 15, 2024 03:06 AM EDT

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — South African President Cyril Ramaphosa was reelected by lawmakers for a second term on Friday, after his party struck a dramatic late coalition deal with a former political foe just hours before the vote. Ramaphosa, the leader of the African National...

Partisan gridlock prevents fixes to Pennsylvania’s voting laws as presidential election looms

Jun. 15, 2024 00:30 AM EDT

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania is seeing lots of action targeting gaps in its vote-by-mail laws. The problem is that it’s in the courtroom and not the legislature. That could make the most populous presidential swing state a hotbed of challenges and conspiracy theories if...

California's Democratic leaders clash with businesses over curbing retail theft. Here's what to know

Jun. 15, 2024 00:21 AM EDT

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — With retail theft increasing, California Democratic leadership is clashing with a coalition of law enforcement and business groups in a fierce political fight over how to crack down on the problem. State lawmakers are trying to preserve progressive policies and stay away...

The RNC is launching a massive effort to monitor voting. Critics say it threatens to undermine trust

Jun. 14, 2024 18:28 PM EDT

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. (AP) — The Republican National Committee on Friday launched a swing state initiative to mobilize thousands of polling place monitors, poll workers and attorneys to serve as “election integrity” watchdogs in November — an effort that immediately drew concerns that it...

Mexico's small, oft-questioned Green Party to become the second-largest force in Congress

Jun. 14, 2024 15:50 PM EDT

MEXICO CITY (AP) — It’s been a long strange trip for Mexico’s Ecologist Green Party, which rode on its alliance with the ruling Morena party to become the second-largest voting block in Congress. This Green Party has been better known for picking presidential winners like it...