Latest Malaria News

South Sudan receives its first batch of a new vaccine for malaria from the WHO

May. 31, 2024 11:33 AM EDT

JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — South Sudan got its first batch of a new malaria vaccine on Friday from the U.N. health agency, an important step in efforts to battle a disease that is the biggest killer of children in this African country. The more than 645,000 doses of the R21 malaria...

Climate change is bringing malaria to new areas. In Africa, it never left

Apr. 25, 2024 12:23 PM EDT

LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — When a small number of cases of locally transmitted malaria were found in the United States last year, it was a reminder that climate change is reviving or migrating the threat of some diseases. But across the African continent malaria has never left, killing or sickening...

Malaria is still killing people in Kenya, but a vaccine and local drug production may help

Apr. 25, 2024 03:13 AM EDT

MIGORI, Kenya (AP) — As the coffin bearing the body of Rosebella Awuor was lowered into the grave, heart-wrenching sobs from mourners filled the air. Her sister Winnie Akinyi, the guardian to Awuor’s orphaned son, fell to the ground, wailing. It was the latest of five deaths in...