Latest Whales News

Environmental groups decry attempt to delay shipping rules intended to save whales

Jul. 02, 2024 12:15 PM EDT

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — A Georgia congressman has proposed a yearslong delay in changes to federal rules meant to protect vanishing whales, prompting a rebuke from environmental groups who say the animals need protection now. The delay proposed by Republican Rep. Buddy Carter...

Beneath offshore wind turbines, researchers grow seafood and seaweed

Jun. 21, 2024 02:37 AM EDT

KRIEGERS FLAK OFFSHORE WIND FARM, Denmark (AP) — In a small boat bobbing in the waves between towering offshore wind turbines, researchers in Europe’s Baltic Sea reach into the frigid water and remove long lines stretched between the pylons onto which mussels and seaweed are growing. ...

Washington's Makah Tribe could once again harpoon whales as US waives conservation law

Jun. 13, 2024 15:13 PM EDT

SEATTLE (AP) — The United States granted the Makah Indian Tribe in Washington state a long-sought waiver Thursday that helps clear the way for its first sanctioned whale hunts since 1999 and sets the stage for renewed clashes with animal rights activists. The Makah, a tribe of...

Large whale group spotted off New England includes orca eating a tuna, dozens of endangered species

Jun. 13, 2024 12:48 PM EDT

A large number of whales visiting the waters off New England included an uncommon sighting of an orca eating a tuna and an unusually large group of an endangered species of whale, scientists said. A research flight made 161 sightings of seven different species of whale on May 25...

Washington state's Makah tribe is granted a waiver that helps clear the way for it to resume traditional whale hunts

Jun. 13, 2024 12:34 PM EDT
SEATTLE (AP) — Washington state's Makah tribe is granted a waiver that helps clear the way for it to resume traditional whale hunts.

Japan proposes expanding commercial whaling to fin whales, a larger species than the 3 allowed now

May. 09, 2024 21:24 PM EDT

TOKYO (AP) — Japan's Fisheries Agency has proposed expanding commercial whaling along the country’s coast to fin whales, a larger species than the three currently permitted. The proposal comes five years after Japan resumed commercial whaling within its exclusive economic zone...

Cruise ship sails into New York City port with 44-foot dead whale across its bow

May. 08, 2024 14:04 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — A cruise ship sailed into a New York City port with a 44-foot (13-meter) dead whale across its bow, marine authorities said. The whale, identified as an endangered sei whale, was caught on the ship's bow when it arrived at the Port of Brooklyn on Saturday, National...

Scientists are learning the basic building blocks of sperm whale language after years of effort

May. 07, 2024 17:11 PM EDT

ROSEAU, Dominica (AP) — Scientists studying the sperm whales that live around the Caribbean island of Dominica have described for the first time the basic elements of how they might be talking to each other, in an effort that could one day help better protect them. Like many...

Orca calf swims out of Canadian lagoon where it had been trapped more than a month

Apr. 26, 2024 20:11 PM EDT

ZEBALLOS, British Columbia (AP) — A young killer whale that was trapped for more than a month in a lagoon on Vancouver Island swam past a bottleneck at high tide early Friday, reaching an inlet that could take it to the open sea, officials said. The Ehattesaht and Nuchatlaht First...

Over 100 pilot whales beached on western Australian coast have been rescued, officials say

Apr. 25, 2024 07:02 AM EDT

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — More than 100 long-finned pilot whales that beached on the western Australian coast Thursday have returned to sea, while 29 died on the shore, officials said. Ships and a spotter plane were monitoring the rescued whales in case they returned to shore,...