Latest Guinea News

Russia's foreign minister again visits Africa, this time in Guinea, as some ties cool with the West

Jun. 03, 2024 20:00 PM EDT

CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived Monday in Guinea on his latest visit to West Africa, where coups and growing discontent with traditional allies like France and the United States have contributed to some countries' shift toward Moscow. Lavrov...

Italy's migrant jails are squalid and chaotic. A young man from Guinea was desperate to escape

May. 31, 2024 16:06 PM EDT

ROME (AP) — It was still dark and quiet outside when Ousmane Sylla performed his last prayer in the courtyard of an Italian migrant jail. “I miss my Africa very much and my mother too,” read a scribble in French on the wall nearby. ”May I rest in peace." A few...

In Guinea's capital, a heartbroken family brings their son's body home

May. 31, 2024 02:30 AM EDT

Ousmane Sylla’s final journey home came not with joyful celebration, but with mourning. The 21-year-old’s body was flown in a metal coffin from Rome to Conakry, Guinea’s coastal capital. On a hot day in April, his family collected him from the airport. It was...