Latest Libya News

Humans caused climate change. Amid the suffering, now they must solve it

Jul. 19, 2024 09:48 AM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — For decades, scientists warned that continued burning of oil, gas, and coal would have devastating climate impacts. Those impacts are being felt around the world. Climate change is driving extreme weather By all accounts, the last few years have been...

Libyan authorities discover two dozen unidentified bodies in a former stronghold of the IS group

Jul. 16, 2024 13:26 PM EDT

CAIRO (AP) — A mass grave containing two dozen unidentified bodies was discovered in the coastal city of Sirte, once controlled by the Islamic State group, a Libyan government agency said Monday. The National Authority for Searching and Identifying Missing People said its team...

Armed bandits interrupt a rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean off Libya, an aid group says

Jul. 10, 2024 12:37 PM EDT

ROME (AP) — An aid group that rescues migrants in the Mediterranean says one of its missions was interrupted by armed bandits who boarded the overloaded smugglers’ boat and sped away with it after the migrants threw themselves into the sea. SOS Mediterranee filmed the incident...

Libyans want an end to country's divisions and feuding politicians to hold elections, UN envoy says

Jun. 19, 2024 22:54 PM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Libyans from rival regions and all walks of life are fed up with the country’s divisions and want political players to end their years-long impasse and agree to hold national elections, a key step to peace in the oil-rich north African country, the U.N. deputy...

11 bodies of migrants who were trying to reach Italy recovered off Libya

Jun. 08, 2024 16:26 PM EDT

ROME (AP) — An aid group said Saturday it recovered the bodies of 11 migrants off the Libyan coast and transferred them to an Italian coast guard ship off Lampedusa island, where thousands are trying to reach from North Africa. The aid group, Doctors Without Borders, said its Geo...

ICC prosecutor faces demand for action against Israeli leaders and Russian attack over Putin warrant

May. 14, 2024 23:28 PM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The International Criminal Court’s prosecutor faced demands Tuesday for speedy action against Israeli leaders and a blistering Russian attack over the ICC’s arrest warrant for President Vladimir Putin stemming from Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Karim...

Soccer or football, the world's most popular sport has its own day for fans to celebrate — May 25

May. 08, 2024 00:38 AM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Soccer fans around the world will now have a day to celebrate the world's most popular sport every year – May 25. The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution Tuesday proclaiming May 25 as World Football Day. The sport is called football outside...

Libya demands improvements after leaked photos show tiny cell of Moammar Gadhafi's son in Beirut

Apr. 29, 2024 15:49 PM EDT

BEIRUT (AP) — Leaked photographs of the son of Libya’s late dictator Moammar Gadhafi and the tiny underground cell where he has been held for years in Lebanon have raised concerns in the north African nation as Libyan authorities demand improvements. The photos showed a room...