Latest Shania Twain News

Who will have the 2024 song of the summer? We offer some predictions

Jun. 18, 2024 13:32 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — Since the beginning of time or, at least, pop music, only a few have earned the designation of “song of the summer.” These are the earworms that lodge deep into the brain, pushing past genre preferences and reminding listeners: A hit is a hit. With so much...

Government sues Ticketmaster owner and asks court to break up company's monopoly on live events

May. 23, 2024 21:35 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department sued Ticketmaster and its parent company Thursday, accusing them of running an illegal monopoly over live events in America and asking a court to break up the system that squelches competition and drives up prices for fans. Filed in federal...

Beyoncé is bringing her fans of color to country music. Will they be welcomed in?

Apr. 15, 2024 15:48 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — Dusty, worn boots. Horses lapping up water. Sweat dripping from the foreheads of every shade of Black skin as country classics blare through giant speakers. These moments are frequently recreated during Tayhlor Coleman’s family gatherings at their central Texas ranch. For her,...