Latest Cory Booker News

White House fetes Kenya with state dinner featuring sunset views, celebrity star power

May. 23, 2024 22:54 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Thursday's White House state dinner honoring Kenyan President William Ruto offered around 500 guests stunning D.C. views, a knockout menu, a dose of celebrity star power and even a little family drama. "I'm looking forward to having all the conversations,”...

Sen. Cory Booker questions US prison labor policies, calls for change

May. 21, 2024 23:45 PM EDT

Prisoners should be learning professional skills that help prepare them for their release instead of being forced to work, sometimes picking crops in triple-digit heat for pennies an hour or nothing at all, Sen. Cory Booker said at a Senate judiciary subcommittee hearing on prison labor Tuesday. ...

First Muslim American appellate court nominee faces uphill battle to salvage nomination

Apr. 10, 2024 16:25 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The nominee who could become the first Muslim American to serve as a federal appellate court judge is fighting back against characterizations of his work by law enforcement groups that are jeopardizing his nomination. The White House and Senate are doubling down on their efforts...