Latest New Jersey state government News

Trump's tale of a harrowing helicopter ride and emergency landing? Didn't happen, Willie Brown says

Aug. 09, 2024 23:26 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump mixed up two prominent politicians from California when he told a harrowing tale of almost crashing in a helicopter. During a meandering press conference Thursday riddled with false and misleading statements, Trump recalled riding as...

Superstorm Sandy group eyes ballots, insurance surcharges and oil fees to fund resiliency projects

Jul. 19, 2024 17:30 PM EDT

LONG BRANCH, N.J. (AP) — A 2% surcharge on property insurance policies, mandatory fees on the oil and gas industries, and holding a public referendum are ways a public-private group formed in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy recommends to pay for projects to protect New Jersey from the next big...

Money issues may sink proposed New Jersey branch of acclaimed Paris museum. Mayor blames politics

Jul. 03, 2024 16:41 PM EDT

JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey officials say financial concerns spurred state lawmakers to rescind $24 million in funding for a planned outpost of Paris’ acclaimed Pompidou Center in Jersey City. But the city's mayor said he believes his deteriorating relationship with Gov. Phil Murphy led...