This image released by Disney shows the characters Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, holding Simea, voiced by Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)
This image released by Disney shows the character Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)
This image released by Disney shows the character Maui, voiced by Dwayne Johnson, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)
This image released by Disney shows the characters Maui, voiced by Dwayne Johnson, left, and Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)
This image released by Disney shows the character Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)
This image released by Disney shows the character Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)
This image released by Disney shows the character Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, center, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)
This image released by Disney shows the character Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)
This image released by Disney shows the characters Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, left, and Chief Tui, voiced by Temuera Morrison, in a scene from "Moana 2." (Disney via AP)