Latest Eric Garner News

Michael Brown's death a decade ago set off a new chapter of social change

Sep. 13, 2024 15:32 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — There have been moments before, times of heartbreak and grief that led to anger and calls for justice. Sometimes, they never make it past a few sparks. Sometimes they smolder for a little bit before dying out. And sometimes, in certain conditions, they light a fire. ...

For many Asian Americans, Ferguson unrest set them on a path of resistance and reflection

Aug. 23, 2024 12:33 PM EDT

Like a lot of people, Ellen Lo Hoffman was shocked and disturbed by the shooting death of Michael Brown, a Black teenager, at the hands of a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer a decade ago this month. Hoffman — an assistant regional director for the national campus ministry...

'I can't breathe': Eric Garner remembered on the 10th anniversary of his chokehold death

Jul. 17, 2024 18:13 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — Ten years after Eric Garner ’s death at the hands of New York City police officers made “I can’t breathe” a rallying cry, loved ones on Wednesday remembered his life and legacy. “I want people to remember him and remember that he was the one that helped...

When violence and trauma visit American places, a complex question follows: Demolish, or press on?

Jun. 18, 2024 00:19 AM EDT

PITTSBURGH (AP) — Last week in Parkland, Florida, wrecking equipment began demolishing the building at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where a gunman's rampage in 2018 ended with 17 people dead. As the rumble of destruction echoed, people in the community set to explaining exactly why...