Hollywood got dressed up as the Golden Globes returned for its annual champagne-soaked celebration of film and television workers at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California. The show serves as the ceremonial start to the 2025 awards season. Two wildly audacious films —...
The Selena Gomez ballad “Mi Camino,” the Will Ferrell and Harper Steele road trip documentary “Will & Harper” and Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross’s pulsating “Challengers” score are one step closer to an Oscar nomination. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences unveiled...
“The Bear,” “Shogun” and “Emilia Perez” are among the nominees for the 82nd Golden Globes announced Monday morning. Because the Globes split top awards between drama and musical/comedy, there isn’t always a clear read on the top Oscar contenders. That’s especially...