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Friday Edition | April 26, 2024

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Editor: Could someone please explain why gun deaths (which were approximately 50,000 according to latest yearly figures) are so overly vilified by the media, anti-gun groups and politicians when little if any coverage of the over 1 million documented abortions for the year 2023 is even menti… 💬

Editor: President Biden, chief divider of the American people, thinks he deserves another term. But during his first term the economy has been terrible, inflation keeps going up and people are having difficulty affording food and essentials. Biden brags about unemployment being low. Then Jer… 💬

Editor: Project 2025, a collection of "conservative" policy proposals for Donald Trump to pursue should he win this year's election, contains several policies that fly in the face of the U.S. Constitution. These include staffing the administration with "MAGA warriors" who are willing to push… 💬