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Tuesday Edition | April 23, 2024

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Editor: If Trump was such a terrible president, why are they on his case to the max? This is not misinformation. It's provable fact. Why is it being kept from the public? To these infidels, the Constitution means nothing and they prove it every day. Our right to redress is gone. The separati… 💬

Editor: Joe Biden should stop claiming Scranton is his hometown. President Biden was born in November of 1942 and moved to Delaware in 1953. So at the age of 10 or 11, to be generous, he formed his leadership perspective on life in Scranton. Really? 💬

Editor: I want to wish the family of Gerald Domzalski the best of luck in their lawsuit ("Lawsuit filed over 'invisible' road markings," April 20). Pennsylvania has the worst road markings. They disappear in the rain and also at night. The upkeep on keeping them visible is terrible. Roads th… 💬