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Tuesday Edition | April 16, 2024

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Editor: I am writing as a concerned resident of Lackawanna County to address the pressing issue of litter, particularly around the exits of Interstate 81 in the Scranton Metro area. It is disheartening to witness the growing amount of litter and debris along our roadsides, which not only tar… 💬

Editor: A few recent letters have compared Trump to Hitler in a negative way. If Trump resembles anybody, it’s President Teddy Roosevelt. Comparisons of TR and Trump are all over the Internet. Both being from New York and becoming president. Both lost their second election and both have smal… 💬

Editor: I read your April 12 report about measles outbreaks in the U.S. while laughing out loud. How can the Associated Press posit, guided by the CDC’s recent report, that "most of the recent importations involved unvaccinated Americans who got infected in the Middle East and Africa and bro… 💬