Latest Sudan News

Darfur sees an increase in much needed food aid, but it’s still not enough to avert famine, UN says

Jun. 20, 2024 17:35 PM EDT

CAIRO (AP) — Families in Sudan’s embattled western Darfur region have finally received an emergency increase in food aid that is much needed to help avert looming famine, the U.N. food agency said Thursday. The World Food Program said in an update that five convoys carrying 5,000...

Thousands of refugees in Indonesia have spent years awaiting resettlement. Their future is unclear

Jun. 20, 2024 03:21 AM EDT

TANJUNGPINANG, Indonesia (AP) — Morwan Mohammad walks down an old hotel corridor on Batam Island in northwestern Indonesia before entering a 6-square-meter (64-square-foot) room that has been home to him and his growing family for the past eight years. Mohammad, who fled war in...

Some life-saving food assistance entered South Darfur, UN says, but aid groups say more is needed

Jun. 19, 2024 18:16 PM EDT

CAIRO (AP) — South Darfur saw a slight increase in critical aid when the U.N.'s World Food Program delivered life-saving food and nutrition to some families across the violence-riddled western Sudanese state, the organization said. But more assistance is needed, humanitarian organizations say. ...

Sudan accuses UAE of fueling war with weapons to paramilitary rivals. UAE calls claim `ludicrous'

Jun. 18, 2024 22:20 PM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Sudanese government accused the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday of fueling the 14-month war in the African country by providing weapons to a rival paramilitary force. The UAE dismissed the allegation as “ludicrous,” calling “a shameful abuse by one of the warring...

Central African Republic faces increased rebel activity and spillover from Sudan war, UN experts say

Jun. 17, 2024 20:32 PM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Activities of armed groups in the volatile Central African Republic have increased, complicating a security landscape that has seen a spillover of the conflict in neighboring Sudan, U.N. experts warn in a new report. The panel of experts cite confirmed reports...

Sudan tops UN envoy's concerns about children caught in conflicts, with Congo and Haiti next

Jun. 14, 2024 00:49 AM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations envoy charged with reporting on violations against children in conflicts around the world said Thursday that first and foremost she is worried about what’s happening to youngsters in war-torn Sudan, followed by Congo and Haiti. Virginia...

UN adopts a resolution demanding that Sudan's paramilitary force halt its siege of a Darfur city

Jun. 13, 2024 17:46 PM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution Thursday demanding that Sudan’s paramilitary force immediately halt its siege of the only capital in the vast western region of Darfur that it doesn’t control and where more than a million people are reportedly trapped. ...

Aspects of US restrictions on asylum-seekers may violate international protections, UNHCR chief says

Jun. 13, 2024 13:01 PM EDT

GENEVA (AP) — The head of the U.N. refugee agency said Thursday he understands that the Biden administration enacted new restrictions on asylum-seekers entering the United States, but cautioned that some aspects of the executive order may violate refugee protection required under international...

UN says violence against children in conflict reached extreme levels in 2023, including in Gaza

Jun. 11, 2024 21:54 PM EDT

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Violence against children caught in multiplying and escalating conflicts reached “extreme levels” in 2023, with an unprecedented number of killings and injuries in crises, from Israel and the Palestinian territories to Sudan, Myanmar and Ukraine, according to a new U.N....

ICC prosecutor appeals for evidence of atrocities in Sudan after rebels attack hospital in Darfur

Jun. 11, 2024 05:12 AM EDT

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor appealed Tuesday for information and evidence of atrocities in Sudan, saying his ongoing investigation “seems to disclose an organized, systematic and a profound attack on human dignity.” ICC...