Latest Climate change News

A pond in warming Mali is disappearing, and a UNESCO-listed fishing tradition is in danger

Jun. 14, 2024 01:17 AM EDT

SAN, Mali (AP) — Thousands of fishermen holding cone-shaped nets stood side by side, cheering and chanting as they waited for the signal. Suddenly, they rushed to a large muddy pond and cast their nets, dropping to their knees in the mud. Soon, one proudly held up a fish the length of his arm. ...

Unusually heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan will affect 200,000 people, a top UN official warns

Jun. 13, 2024 09:20 AM EDT

ISLAMABAD (AP) — An estimated 200,000 people in Pakistan could be affected by the upcoming monsoon season, which is expected to bring heavier rains than usual, a top U.N. official warned on Thursday. The United Nations, with help from local authorities, has prepared a contingency...

The UK Green Party struggles to be heard in an election where climate change is on the back burner

Jun. 13, 2024 07:27 AM EDT

BRIGHTON, England (AP) — There’s lots of talk of change in Britain’s election campaign, but little talk about climate change. The U.K.’s July 4 vote to choose a new government comes after one of the wettest and warmest winters on record, part of trends that scientists...

Climate records keep getting shattered. Here is what you need to know

Jun. 05, 2024 19:03 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Month after month, global temperatures are setting new records. Meanwhile, scientists and climate policymakers warn of the growing likelihood that the planet will soon exceed the warming target set at the landmark Paris 2015 climate talks. Making sense of the run...

UN chief wants a tax on profits of fossil fuel companies, calling them 'godfathers of climate chaos'

Jun. 05, 2024 16:27 PM EDT

GENEVA (AP) — U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres called Wednesday for a “windfall” tax on profits of fossil fuel companies to help pay for the fight against global warming, calling them the “godfathers of climate chaos.” Guterres spoke in a bid to revive the world's...

Maryland agencies must submit a plan to help fight climate change, governor says

Jun. 04, 2024 20:21 PM EDT

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — State agencies in Maryland will be required to submit a plan to help address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, under an executive order signed by Gov. Wes Moore on Tuesday. The plan calls for all state agencies to submit a report to the...

New study finds Earth warming at record rate, but no evidence of climate change accelerating

Jun. 04, 2024 19:53 PM EDT

The rate Earth is warming hit an all-time high in 2023 with 92% of last year's surprising record-shattering heat caused by humans, top scientists calculated. The group of 57 scientists from around the world used United Nations-approved methods to examine what's behind last year's...

A new study finds Earth is warming at a record rate, but no evidence of climate change accelerating

Jun. 04, 2024 19:09 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) — A new study finds Earth is warming at a record rate, but no evidence of climate change accelerating.

Tens of thousands of children in Afghanistan are affected by ongoing flash floods, UNICEF says

Jun. 03, 2024 10:04 AM EDT

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Tens of thousands of children in Afghanistan remain affected by ongoing flash floods, especially in the north and west, the U.N. children's agency said Monday. Unusually heavy seasonal rains have been wreaking havoc on multiple parts of the country, killing...

Paris is aiming for the most sustainable Olympics yet. Organizers acknowledge the plan isn't perfect

Jun. 03, 2024 08:13 AM EDT

PARIS (AP) — Of all the decisions Paris Olympics organizers made about where to hold each sport, sending surfing competitions to the other side of the world — in the Pacific waters of Tahiti — provoked the strongest reactions. Tahitians and others railed against the building of a new viewing...