Latest Death and dying News

Movie Review: ‘Tuesday,’ with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, is strange, emotional and fiercely original

Jun. 13, 2024 17:05 PM EDT

Death has taken many forms in cinema. It’s been Bengt Ekerot. Ian McKellen. John Cleese. Even Brad Pitt with blonde highlights. But in “ Tuesday,” filmmaker Daina O. Pusić's bold, fantastical and affecting debut, death looks like a lot like a macaw that's seen better days. ...

Editorial Roundup: New York

Jun. 06, 2024 07:15 AM EDT

New York Post. June 4, 2024. Editorial: Hooray for Hochul: New York leads nation in protecting kids on social media Hand it to Gov. Hochul for wrangling the Legislature into passing first-in-the-nation legislation to regulate social-media feeds for younger kids. ...

Legislation allowing doctor-assisted suicide narrowly clears Delaware House, heads to state Senate

Apr. 18, 2024 18:28 PM EDT

DOVER, Del. (AP) — A bill allowing doctor-assisted suicide in Delaware narrowly cleared the Democrat-led House on Thursday and now goes to the state Senate for consideration. The bill is the latest iteration of legislation that has been repeatedly introduced by Newark Democrat Paul...

'I'm dying, you're not': Those terminally ill ask more states to legalize physician-assisted death

Apr. 12, 2024 18:40 PM EDT

DENVER (AP) — On a brisk day at a restaurant outside Chicago, Deb Robertson sat with her teenage grandson to talk about her death. She’ll probably miss his high school graduation. She declined the extended warranty on her car. Sometimes she wonders who will be at her funeral. ...

France is proposing to allow terminally ill patients to take lethal medication

Apr. 10, 2024 17:06 PM EDT

PARIS (AP) — France’s government presented a bill Wednesday to allow adults with terminal cancer or other incurable illness to take lethal medication, as public demands grow for legal options for aid in dying. Many French people have traveled to neighboring countries where...