Latest Science News

Bird flu is highly lethal to some animals, but not to others. Scientists want to know why

Jun. 14, 2024 16:57 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — In the last two years, bird flu has been blamed for the deaths of millions of wild and domestic birds worldwide. It's killed legions of seals and sea lions, wiped out mink farms, and dispatched cats, dogs, skunks, foxes and even a polar bear. But it seems to have...

NASA's Voyager 1, the most distant spacecraft from Earth, is doing science again after problem

Jun. 14, 2024 12:46 PM EDT

DALLAS (AP) — NASA's Voyager 1, the most distant spacecraft from Earth, is sending science data again. Voyager 1's four instruments are back in business after a computer problem in November, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory said this week. The team first received meaningful...

Make mine medium-rare: Men really do eat more meat than women, study says

Jun. 14, 2024 09:51 AM EDT

CHICAGO (AP) — Vacationing in Chicago this week from Europe, Jelle den Burger and Nirusa Naguleswaran grabbed a bite at the Dog House Grill: a classic Italian beef sandwich for him, grilled cheese for her. Both think the way their genders lined up with their food choices was no...

How do cicadas make their signature sound, so eerie and amazingly loud?

Jun. 14, 2024 09:39 AM EDT

WHEATON, Ill. (AP) — The most noticeable part of the cicada invasion blanketing the central United States is the sound — an eerie, amazingly loud song that gets in a person's ears and won't let much else in. “It’s beautiful chaos,” said Rebecca Schmidt, a U.S. Department of...

Wreck of the last ship of famed Anglo-Irish explorer Shackleton found off the coast of Canada

Jun. 13, 2024 19:19 PM EDT

ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland (AP) — The wreck of the last ship belonging to Sir Ernest Shackleton, a famous Irish-born British explorer of Antarctica, has been found off the coast of Labrador in Canada, 62 years after it went missing. The wreck was found by an international team led by the Royal...

What could make a baby bison white?

Jun. 13, 2024 18:03 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Photos of a white bison calf in Yellowstone National Park have generated excitement as well as questions: How does that happen? A park visitor said she took the photographs in the park earlier this month, showing a fuzzy white youngster being nuzzled by its dark...

Large whale group spotted off New England includes orca eating a tuna, dozens of endangered species

Jun. 13, 2024 12:48 PM EDT

A large number of whales visiting the waters off New England included an uncommon sighting of an orca eating a tuna and an unusually large group of an endangered species of whale, scientists said. A research flight made 161 sightings of seven different species of whale on May 25...

Bye bye, El Nino. Cooler hurricane-helping La Nina to replace the phenomenon that adds heat to Earth

Jun. 13, 2024 09:07 AM EDT

The strong El Nino weather condition that added a bit of extra heat to already record warm global temperatures is gone. It's cool flip side, La Nina, is likely to breeze in just in time for peak Atlantic hurricane season, federal meteorologists said. The National Oceanic Atmospheric...

The wreck of the last ship of a famed Irish explorer of Antarctica has been found off the coast of Canada

Jun. 12, 2024 12:32 PM EDT
ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland (AP) — The wreck of the last ship of a famed Irish explorer of Antarctica has been found off the coast of Canada.

Indonesian police arrest 6 suspected poachers over the killing of 26 endangered Javan rhinos

Jun. 12, 2024 09:34 AM EDT

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian authorities said Wednesday they have arrested six suspects in an international poaching ring targeting the Javan rhinoceros, a critically endangered species. The suspects are part of a network that used homemade firearms to kill at least 26...