Latest Jared Polis News

Possibility of ranked-choice voting in Colorado faces a hurdle with new law

Jun. 06, 2024 20:26 PM EDT

DENVER (AP) — As a Colorado group gathers signatures to put a measure on the ballot installing ranked-choice voting in the state, Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill Thursday that would impose another hurdle for the new system if the measure is passed. If ranked voting makes the ballot...

Colorado governor signs bills regulating funeral homes after discovery of 190 rotting bodies

May. 24, 2024 16:09 PM EDT

DENVER (AP) — Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed two bills into law Friday that overhaul state oversight of the funeral home industry after a series of gruesome discoveries, including 190 discomposing bodies in a facility, families being sent fake ashes and the unauthorized sale of body parts. ...

Attempts to regulate AI’s hidden hand in Americans’ lives flounder in US statehouses

May. 23, 2024 11:53 AM EDT

DENVER (AP) — The first attempts to regulate artificial intelligence programs that play a hidden role in hiring, housing and medical decisions for millions of Americans are facing pressure from all sides and floundering in statehouses nationwide. Only one of seven bills aimed at...

Rotting bodies and fake ashes spur Colorado lawmakers to pass funeral home regulations

May. 06, 2024 19:08 PM EDT

DENVER (AP) — Colorado lawmakers passed a bill Monday to overhaul the state’s lax funeral home oversight, joining a second measure aimed at regulating the industry that passed last week. Both follow a series of horrific incidents at funeral homes, including sold body parts, fake...

Semiautomatic firearm ban passes Colorado's House, heads to Senate

Apr. 14, 2024 19:14 PM EDT

DENVER (AP) — Colorado's Democratic-controlled House on Sunday passed a bill that would ban the sale and transfer of semiautomatic firearms, a major step for the legislation after roughly the same bill was swiftly killed by Democrats last year. The bill, which passed on a 35-27...