Latest Richard Cheney News

The VP race's Florida question: Would Rubio or Donalds have to move if Trump picks either of them?

Jun. 29, 2024 08:52 AM EDT

MIAMI (AP) — As Donald Trump narrows his options for a potential running mate, two politicians known to be on his list are from Florida, leaving open a scenario where his vice presidential nominee would have to move if the Republican ticket wins. The U.S. Constitution prohibits a...

To recuse or refuse? A look at Supreme Court justices’ decisions on whether to step aside in cases

May. 29, 2024 17:28 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — In declining to step aside from two high-profile Supreme Court cases, Justice Samuel Alito on Wednesday provided a rare window on the opaque process by which justices decide to step aside from cases. Alito faced calls from Democrats to recuse from two cases...