The demands of achieving both one-day shipping and a satisfying orgasm collide in Halina Reijn’s “Babygirl,” a kinky and darkly comic erotic thriller about sex in the Amazon era. Nicole Kidman stars as Romy Mathis, the chief executive of Tensile, a robotics business that...
Harris Dickinson was nervous to approach Nicole Kidman. This would not necessarily be notable under normal circumstances, but the English actor had already been cast to star opposite her in the erotic drama “Babygirl,” as the intern who initiates an affair with Kidman's...
NEW YORK (AP) — The National Board of Review put its full support behind Jon M. Chu's “Wicked,” naming the lavish musical the best film of the year, Chu best director and awarding its stars, Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande, a prize for their collaboration, in awards announced Wednesday. ...