Jacques Audiard’s audacious musical “Emilia Pérez,” about a Mexican drug lord who undergoes gender affirming surgery, led nominations to the 82nd Golden Globes on Monday, scoring 10 nods to lead it over other contenders like the musical smash “Wicked,” the papal thriller “Conclave”...
“The Bear,” “Shogun” and “Emilia Perez” are among the nominees for the 82nd Golden Globes announced Monday morning. Because the Globes split top awards between drama and musical/comedy, there isn’t always a clear read on the top Oscar contenders. That’s especially...
In Edward Berger’s “Conclave,” the selection of the pope is no holy affair. Instead, it’s a petty, political campaign carried out in secrecy, where gossip flows, agendas are malleable and loyalties are fleeting. All are there to serve God, they say. But we all know how helpful that has been...