Latest Tanzania News

Stuck at sea for years, a sailor's plight highlights a surge in shipowner abandonment

May. 30, 2024 07:08 AM EDT

Abdul Nasser Saleh says he rarely got a good night’s sleep during the near-decade he spent working without pay on a cargo ship abandoned by its owner at ports along the Red Sea. By night, he tossed and turned in his bunk on the aging Al-Maha, he said, thinking of the unpaid wages...

Cyclone Hidaya weakens as it moves toward Tanzania's coastline, officials say

May. 04, 2024 14:57 PM EDT

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Cyclone Hidaya significantly weakened as it approached Tanzania's coastline, the country's meteorology department said Saturday. Officials warned residents to remain cautious, however, as the cyclone brings heavy rain and strong winds to the country through...