Latest Mauritania News

Mauritania's President Ould Ghazouani seeks reelection amid regional security crisis

Jun. 28, 2024 08:05 AM EDT

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania (AP) — Mauritania’s President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani — who is seeking a second term in office in a vote on Saturday — is promising more economic growth and social programs to eradicate poverty and prevent extremism in the vast West African desert nation, even though...

Mauritania goes to the polls with a regional security crisis and economic concerns among the issues

Jun. 27, 2024 09:55 AM EDT

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania (AP) — Nearly 2 million people go to the polls on Saturday in Mauritania, a vast desert nation in West Africa which positions itself as a strategic ally of the West in a region swept by coups and violence, but has been denounced for rights abuses. President...

EU announces 1 billion euros in aid for Lebanon amid a surge in irregular migration

May. 02, 2024 16:37 PM EDT

BEIRUT (AP) — The European Union announced Thursday an aid package for Lebanon of 1 billion euros — about $1.06 billion — much of which will go to boost border control to halt the flow of asylum seekers and migrants from the small, crisis-wracked country across the Mediterranean Sea to Cyprus...

Brazilian authorities bury deceased migrants who drifted in African boat to the Amazon

Apr. 25, 2024 22:03 PM EDT

BELEM, Brazil (AP) — The bodies of nine migrants found on an African boat off the northern coast of Brazil’s Amazon region were buried Thursday with a solemn ceremony in the Para state capital of Belem. Fishermen off the coast of Para found the boat adrift April 13, carrying the...

9 bodies found adrift in a boat off Brazil were likely migrants from Mauritania and Mali, police say

Apr. 16, 2024 16:48 PM EDT

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Brazilian police investigating the grim discovery of a boat with several decomposing bodies say they were likely African migrants from Mali and Mauritania. Fishermen off Brazil's northern coastal state of Pará found the boat adrift Saturday in the Atlantic...