Latest Democracy News

More global confidence in Biden than Trump even as views of US democracy decline, poll finds

Jun. 11, 2024 11:16 AM EDT

People in 34 countries around the world have more confidence in President Joe Biden than his challenger in November's election, former President Donald Trump, even as there is increased skepticism that United States democracy provides a good model for the rest of the world to follow, according to a...

Beyond gangland shootouts and drug trafficking, Italy's mafia is a threat to democracy

Jun. 11, 2024 00:27 AM EDT

ROME (AP) — Last month, an Italian administrative court confirmed the dissolution of the city administration of the Puglia city of Neviano, after an investigation determined that local officials were being unduly influenced by the mafia. The decision barely made news in Italy,...

Biden looks to Pointe du Hoc to inspire the push for democracy abroad and at home

Jun. 07, 2024 13:54 PM EDT

POINTE DU HOC, France (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday summoned Americans to defend democracy from threats at home and abroad — and cast an implicit contrast with Donald Trump — as he drew on the heroism of Army Rangers who scaled the seaside cliffs of Pointe du Hoc in the D-Day invasion...

Vietnam national security police confirm arrest of prominent writer Truong Huy San for Facebook post

Jun. 07, 2024 13:24 PM EDT

BANGKOK (AP) — Authorities in Vietnam announced Friday that they have charged prominent journalist and historian Truong Huy San with violating a national security law because of writing he had posted on Facebook, the website of the newspaper Tuoi Tre and other state media reported. ...

Biden will say legacy of Pointe du Hoc is call to 'stay true to what America stands for' in election year democracy push

Jun. 07, 2024 10:29 AM EDT
POINTE DU HOC, France (AP) — Biden will say legacy of Pointe du Hoc is call to 'stay true to what America stands for' in election year democracy push.

Two British judges resign from Hong Kong court. One cites the city's 'political situation'

Jun. 07, 2024 05:52 AM EDT

HONG KONG (AP) — Two British judges have resigned from Hong Kong’s top court, the city’s judiciary said, deepening worries over the city's rule of law under a Beijing-imposed national security law. The judiciary said in a statement Thursday that Jonathan Sumption and Lawrence...

Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu set to address the US Congress on July 24

Jun. 06, 2024 22:29 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to address a joint meeting of Congress on July 24, setting the stage for what is expected to be a contentious speech at a crucial moment for the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Congressional leaders confirmed the...

South Africa questions its very being. Yet a difficult change has reinforced its young democracy

Jun. 06, 2024 00:14 AM EDT

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — South Africa is in a moment of deep soul-searching after an election that brought a jarring split from the African National Congress, the very party that gave it freedom and democracy 30 years ago. In the days after rejecting what was once the...

A year of elections in democracies around the world is revealing deep dissatisfaction among voters

Jun. 05, 2024 16:45 PM EDT

In a community center in East London, about 20 men gathered for their regular lunch meeting, sipping coffee and tea from mismatched mugs and engaging in an increasingly popular pastime in the world’s democracies: Complaining about their government. They feel estranged from the...

Silence and heavy security in China and Hong Kong mark 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown

Jun. 05, 2024 10:21 AM EDT

BEIJING (AP) — Beijing's Tiananmen Square had checkpoints and police vehicles Tuesday as China tried to silence the 35th anniversary of a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protests. Hong Kong police arrested four people and swarmed a handful of others who tried to protest or commemorate as the...