This image released by Netflix shows Kusem Goodwind as Nataanii, left, and Kauchani Bratt as Jimmy, in a scene from the film "Rez Ball." (Lewis Jacobs/Netflix via AP)
This image released by Netflix shows, from left, Ernest David Tsosie as Benny, Jaren K Robledo as Levi, Devin Sampson-Craig as Bryson and Damian Castellane as Ruckus, in a scene from the film "Rez Ball." (Lewis Jacobs/Netflix via AP)
This image released by Netflix shows Kauchani Bratt as Jimmy, left, and Sam Griesel as Mason, in a scene from the film "Rez Ball." (Lewis Jacobs/Netflix via AP)
This image released by Netflix shows a scene from the film "Rez Ball." (Lewis Jacobs/Netflix via AP)
This image released by Netflix shows a scene from the film "Rez Ball." (Netflix via AP)
This image released by Netflix shows a scene from the film "Rez Ball." (Lewis Jacobs/Netflix via AP)
This image released by Netflix shows Kauchani Bratt as Jimmy, left, and Devin Sampson-Craig as Bryson, in a scene from the film "Rez Ball." (Lewis Jacobs/Netflix via AP)