Latest Malcolm Gladwell News
HARDCOVER FICTION 1. “The Let Them Theory” by Mel Robbins (Hay House) 2. “The Muscle Ladder" by Jeff Nippard (Victory Belt) 3. “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt (Penguin Press) 4. “Good Energy” by Casey Means (Avery)...
HARDCOVER FICTION 1. “James” by Percival Everett (Doubleday) 2. “The Women” by Kristin Hannah (St. Martin’s) 3. “The Book of Bill” by Alex Hirsch (Hyperion Avenue) 4. “The God of the Woods” by Liz Moore (Riverhead) ...
Nonfiction 1. The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins, narrated by the author (Audible Studios) 2. Atomic Habits by James Clear, narrated by the author (Penguin Audio) 3. Revenge of the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, narrated by the author (Little, Brown...
HARDCOVER FICTION 1. “James” by Percival Everett (Doubleday) 2. “The Women” by Kristin Hannah (St. Martin’s) 3. “The Book of Bill” by Alex Hirsch (Hyperion Avenue) 4. “The God of the Woods” by Liz Moore (Riverhead) ...
Nonfiction 1. Atomic Habits by James Clear, narrated by the author (Penguin Audio) 2. Revenge of the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, narrated by the author (Little, Brown & Company) 3. 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, narrated by Richard Poe...