Editorial Roundup: Kentucky

Ashland Daily Independent. June 8, 2024.

Editorial: Progress made on drug deaths

Finally there’s some good news in the fight against deaths caused by drug abuse: The Commonwealth of Kentucky revealed this week drug overdose deaths in the state are down by almost 10%, the second straight annual drop.

This statistic indicates efforts to make the life-saving drug Narcan available have made an impact, as have treatment and prevention. But it’s comparable to a drop in the ocean.

A total of 1,984 Kentuckians died last year from a drug overdose, down 9.8% from the prior year, according to the 2023 Kentucky Drug Overdose Fatality Report. Fentanyl remained the biggest culprit, accounting for 79% of overdose deaths in 2023.

Gov. Andy Beshear and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, both of whom have fought drug abuse in the state, admitted there is a long way to go in tackling the problem. For example, figures show a 5% increase in deaths from overdose among Black Kentuckians.

We support the distribution of Narcan, in addition to preventive measures and treatment for those who are addicted to drugs. Drug addicts are not necessarily morally flawed; like others addicted to other things, they are people in need, often suffering from emotional issues that drove them to drugs in the first place.

Society has an obligation to solve such problems. Empathy and compassion demand it, and making society better includes helping people.

While we applaud the progress Kentucky has made at reducing deaths from overdose, we recognize there is still a long way to go. We hope our leaders will continue to provide us with the resources needed to help those in need. It’s the morally right thing to do.